Monday, April 20, 2009

The love of a Granddaughter!

The love of a granddaughter, can life get any better than this?? Here is an updated picture of my darling granddaughter...she's so adorable, and smart, and cute, and funny...and...and...and... Okay enough, she certainly has whispered into our hearts and had created quite a "breeze" in our lives!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Alas Spring is Whispering in my ear!

The whispers of Spring is in the we Breeze into our new season, we all have thoughts of days ahead where we can putter about our yards, sprucing them up some, adding new color and designs....our plans? Well too many to accomplish, but would love a new "flooring" in our courtyard so the area can be set up for more comfortable seating and plenty of room for outdoor company! I've planted a White Spruce Tree to honor what would have been my mom's 100th's a wee little thing at the moment, struggling along with our late spring freeze we had, but still feeling "lively". We've had enough cold now, and are so ready for spring and summer to be the breeze whispers in our ear...we are anticipating relaxing days ahead!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Baby is whispering more every day!

As the days pass by, not only is spring whispering into our lives...but our granddaughter is growing and wispering??, well more like cooing, laughing, and definately using her vocal cords. Her latest favorite sound is copying the sound of a tiger we saw at the zoo!! She's so adorable, so smart and very advanced for her little 6 months...she is so amazing to watch develope, she is very independant and wants to "learn on her terms"...always trying something new! What a joy...and she gently whispers into our lives every day! Here is a current picture of Grandma, Ma and da baby!

This was taken at a Victorian Tea House, where we enjoyed "high tea" with all the ladies in our neighborhood. Annually we visit the tea house for a "ladies day out"'s so nice to act like a lady from time to time! And so I have to say that life is grand, the breezes of spring are whispering into my ear...begging me to spend more time outside now...time to replenish the gardens about my home..and prepare for days ahead....HAPPY SPRING! HAPPY EASTER!!