Thursday, January 29, 2009

The "Breeze" is "Whispering" in my ear!

.... they say that if you write something down you are more likely to accomplish I am "challenging" that statement and see what happens!

I have had this "whispering" in my ear for a long time now, and realize that if I don't act on it, it will NEVER get I intend to take some baby steps forward each day and begin my journey!

My Journey?? Well I have many, but the ones that really nag at me are to get Identa-Guard up and running...I'm really making progress on that...the mechanics are done, it's the marketing that needs to be tackled biggest road block! My second most nagging desire is to write a book....I know anyone who might read this says..."ya right"....well it's always been a desire of mine to be able to say I'm an author, and to write. I've always collected book ideas in my little ole brain...and now it's time to get some of them on paper! So with each day, I'm going to spend time chipping away at these and see where the wind shall lead my on my journey! I do have a special helper, as I've mentioned before, her name is Sima...and finally I have a picture of her to share....

These little darlings are treasured gifts from my high school "best buddy"....the miracle worker! The large one is Sima, the smaller one is Kitty-Kat, who belongs to my granddaughter...Sima is there as my "inspirational helper" and she will bring me thru all challenges, she promised! The "breeze is whispering" in my ear to start my "journey" starts with the first step, and today that step will be taken! Oh and by the way, I've already contracted an "editor"...see I've only just begun!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The "whispers" of a new life

With each passing day, we see such amazing thing happening in this little girl's life. She is so cute! She loves to take "steps" when held under the arms, she gurgles and giggles, squeals and smiles, and fills us with joy as she is "discovering her new life"! Yesterday, we gave her a spoon to see what she would do with it...and sure enough, this little smarty put it right in her mouth, and had a puzzled look upon her face as to where the food was! At 4 months she is growing cuter every day and exploring so many new things! She is the breeze in my life that's for sure!

Monday, January 19, 2009

As the New Year Breezes in.....

And so we begin another I late in getting my blog started?? Of course, that is how things are these days...always a bit behind! And so I have taken a look back over my past year, wondering if I could have done more (like some people I know)... I do see that is has been a year of many "blustering ups and downs"...and like most's nice to forget the down times and relish the up times...and so that is where I thankful my husband is here with me to begin a New's always scary to hear the "C" word...and quite a breath of fresh air to have him "cured"...and our biggest up time, being blessed with our darling granddaughter!! In addition to that, it's so marvelous to see my daughter and son-in-law go thru every new stage of her life! They are wonderful loving, so kind, so "in love" with their little daughter!

As I look forward to the New Year, I have set goals...the "breezes are whispering" in my really try hard to promote my software, it's a good thing, and one that deserves to be out there helping that is one of my biggest goals of the new year...probably one of my hardest project too! I also hope I'm blessed with time to breath and begin writing....a life time goal...always in the back of my mind...and for sure my oldest desires! I do have a "pal" to keep me focused this year...her name is Sima, she is a siamese "cat" knitted by my dearest friend...Sima is my foundation, she is there to keep me focused on my dreams and desires....Marie..."thanks" is such a small word, and you know it!

And so now I will keep blowing in the wind, in hopes that I will reach my goals...and that our year will be one of peace...we surely need some, it's been a crazy 3 years...and we are much in need of a peaceful...calming where the breeze blows...and the winds are calm!