Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Breezes Whispering in my ear!

First off, the whisper of love, these are my two girls who always brighten my day!

Now the summer breeze that has been whispering in my ear....well maybe roaring would be a better description! We've had the biggest monsoon storm rained about 45 minutes max...with constant thunder....lightening and downpour of rain! It filled the wash behind our house with a raging river...perhaps 40-50' across and maybe 3-4' deep! Above us, the water filled a catch basin that is more than 20' deep and perhaps 150-200' across...and overflowed the banks of this catch basin....the roar of the river at that point was like listening to Niagra Falls!! All in 45 minutes! Then the sun came out and within 3-4 hours...the water was all gone...what a sight! It's really nice to know that we have excellent draining system in this area...can you imagine if we had 2 hours of rain???

The Breeze Whispers in a more gentle manner....a beautiful day...light rain, a luncheon with family in an old historical building in Prescott, followed by a gentle walk around an arts and craft fair...smelling the fresh rain washed afternoon visiting with family followed by neighbors and family gathering for the 122 year of the "World's Oldest Rodeo"...clear skies, almost full moon, stars that fill the skies...and watching the had to feel for the cowboys more than the animals...when they lost their mounts....they got a full body wash in a huge mud bath...yes...rain does leave puddles in this case the arena must have been a food deep in mud! The next day brings a photo session with the family...this picture is of my girls...who are the light of my life! The evening once again brought rain kissed air...bright moon and the gathering of family and neighbors to watch a spectacular fireworks show....

Yes, summer has whipered in our ear...and we enjoy the days filled with breeze of love, family and is grand!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Whispers of Summer

Ah the whispers of summertime! Life has been very busy here, with every day a new adventure and milestone with my granddaughter...she's awesome, every moment her little brain is learning new can see her little wheels turning....I've been blessed to spend a lot of time with her and enjoying every moment of it...but it does take away from some things I should do...oh well, things will wait to be done, I've learned that...and the little one will not wait to grow for now...I will be enjoying every moment I can with her.

As for summer, well we are not in our "monsoon" season...and "whisper" is a mild word for what we see, hear and enjoy most days...more like crashing thunder, streaking lightening which keeps the skies lit, and pounding rain...brisk gusts of wind which sends the rain cascading in sheets....what a sight...everyone around here, stops what they are doing and watches the free show! Most days it is mid day we get the rain...then followed with sunsets that take one's breath away...

As for the breeze whispering?? There is nothing more refreshing than smelling the air after a storm, catching a raindrop on the leaf of a flower or tree, birds twerping and spreading their is good, how much greater can it be than this???