Saturday, November 21, 2009

Breezing in to give THANKS to all that Whispers in my life!

At this time of year it is hard not to stop and think about all the blessings that one has had breezing thru their lives. I know that my life has been filled with an over aboundance of love. I've have such a wonderful family, there are no words that describe the "family" that has filled my life with the best one could want. From the point of being adopted, to where I am today...with the cutest, sweetest little granddaughter, a loving daughter who has always been the light of my life, a sweet son-in-law, who is always there to help and care for others. And my very special husband who I cannot find words to describe my love for him. What more is important in life that family?

Yes, there is another important part of life, that is friends, and believe me, I have such an outstanding group of people who are my "friends" the list goes on and on...I've been so very blessed with friends some that go back to grammar school and high school....those are the ones that are extra special...our friendship runs very deep....and others along my journey in many people are important to me, and I do want to say "THANK YOU" for always being there for me, and always being special friends....of which I have many!

And now we head into the winter season. We've put our yard to bed for the season, prepared for the cold winds ablowin' and buttoned down the hatches. The best thoughts I have on this is.......spring will follow! I can deal with the cold if we only get the "white stuff (snow)" to go along with it!

Looking into 2010 I feel my "breezes" will turn into more like "gail force winds" as I face major back surgery. I am fine with this, and know I need it, and also know that I will have the best of care from my family and my dear friends....without them I would be in dire shape!

So bless you awesome family, and my incredible friends....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall is Whispering so sweetly

Ahhhhhhhhhh Fall is so nice! Cool evenings, just right for a fire, warm days, just right for hiking and being outside, Crisp mornings, just right for a cozy robe and some is good!

Along with the whispers of fall, I've been enjoying the never ending changes happening in my granddaughter's life...every time I see her, she's more and more adorable...I just love to see her little brain working...she's is her mom and dad...I'm very happy when I see how the "kids" are now "responsible adults" raising their own kid...what a change to see this transformation as well!

No pictures...getting used to a new computer and need time to set everything up!

May Fall be Whispering nice breezy days into your life!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Autumn Breezes are Whispering to me!

Autumn is in the crisp evenings and mornings, nippy nights, but still pleasant enough to have an open window for the nighttime breeze soft as a feather's touch. Our days are nice and warm with a "hint" of autumn in every billow of breeze......AH AUTUMN! How welcome you are! Speaking of breezing along into is my little darling enjoying the "breeze blowing thru her hair" as she relaxes in her swing!

This picture was taken the day after her FIRST BIRTHDAY which was on September 19th!! Time to relax after a whirlwind day! What an exhilarating time we had! It was a perfect day, filled with friends and family, a bounty of great food, wonderful gifts for the "wee one".....many toys (which she needs...poor deprived babe!) tons of books (which she loves) and so many beautiful cozy winter clothes and sleepers....she played with her cake, not realizing she was supposed to eat it, but enjoyed the gushy on her hands....what fascination!

And so now as we breeze into autumn, I leave you with the wonderment of a peaceful country road does one not wonder what is around the bend?? HAPPY AUTUMN!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Whispers of a Summer Morning

It's 5:30 in the morning....the sun is starting to make the puffy clouds turn a beautiful shade of the morning begins to unfold I am enjoying the "whipering breeze" and the tweet of the "early birds" checking out their feeders. The sun has not peaked into the back yard yet...the breeze is a cool 58 degrees...everything is still, yet starting to come alive for another summer day!

Today I did something I should do every day, I took the time to sit outside, smell the fresh air, listen to the stillness, the gurgle of our fountain, and the tweet of the birds beginning their day. There is no traffic noises, no dogs barking, no honking horns, just peace and quiet. I stopped to pull the never ending weeds, making our yard look clean again...and enjoyed watching the morning unfold. Eventually there are more birds awakening...and soon there are about 20 or more feeding, drinking and taking an early morning bath in the fountain...the sun is rising and the top of our far off mountains are coming alive, soon the sun has reached the back yard...the birds seek out the morning warmth and sunbathe.

Can life whisper more gently and peaceful? I reflect back on the month of July, we had an awesome monsoon storm which provided torrential rain, hail, lightening and 45 minutes our wash was overflowed with a rapid river of tumbleweeds, swishing past on their way to "the end" wherever that is! Our catch basin overflowed, the huge open field above us is now a small lake, and the wash has overflown it's banks...there is water running over the top of the bridge...(perhaps 4-5")...but OVER a bridge....the rain stops, the sun comes out, and within 3 hours...everything is back to normal...the wash is dry, the catch basin has receeded 20+ feet...amazing! We've had several other storms, not so violent..but very entertaining....we've had some breeze days...we've had some warm ones....all "breeze whispers of summertime in Northern Arizona"...

We also attended my 41st High School reunion, that was an experience, some of us have aged graciously, some not so well, some are still 'children refusing to grow up' and many reacquaintences have been refreshing...and "experience" and surely puts a ding in life's perspective....where have I been? where have I gone?, what have I accomplished in 40 years? and where do I want to head now??... and so lifes whispers on...the days creep by, seeminly slowly at times, yet in a whirlwind when I look back and wonder where time has gone....I need more days outside awaiting the start of a new day!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Breezes Whispering in my ear!

First off, the whisper of love, these are my two girls who always brighten my day!

Now the summer breeze that has been whispering in my ear....well maybe roaring would be a better description! We've had the biggest monsoon storm rained about 45 minutes max...with constant thunder....lightening and downpour of rain! It filled the wash behind our house with a raging river...perhaps 40-50' across and maybe 3-4' deep! Above us, the water filled a catch basin that is more than 20' deep and perhaps 150-200' across...and overflowed the banks of this catch basin....the roar of the river at that point was like listening to Niagra Falls!! All in 45 minutes! Then the sun came out and within 3-4 hours...the water was all gone...what a sight! It's really nice to know that we have excellent draining system in this area...can you imagine if we had 2 hours of rain???

The Breeze Whispers in a more gentle manner....a beautiful day...light rain, a luncheon with family in an old historical building in Prescott, followed by a gentle walk around an arts and craft fair...smelling the fresh rain washed afternoon visiting with family followed by neighbors and family gathering for the 122 year of the "World's Oldest Rodeo"...clear skies, almost full moon, stars that fill the skies...and watching the had to feel for the cowboys more than the animals...when they lost their mounts....they got a full body wash in a huge mud bath...yes...rain does leave puddles in this case the arena must have been a food deep in mud! The next day brings a photo session with the family...this picture is of my girls...who are the light of my life! The evening once again brought rain kissed air...bright moon and the gathering of family and neighbors to watch a spectacular fireworks show....

Yes, summer has whipered in our ear...and we enjoy the days filled with breeze of love, family and is grand!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Whispers of Summer

Ah the whispers of summertime! Life has been very busy here, with every day a new adventure and milestone with my granddaughter...she's awesome, every moment her little brain is learning new can see her little wheels turning....I've been blessed to spend a lot of time with her and enjoying every moment of it...but it does take away from some things I should do...oh well, things will wait to be done, I've learned that...and the little one will not wait to grow for now...I will be enjoying every moment I can with her.

As for summer, well we are not in our "monsoon" season...and "whisper" is a mild word for what we see, hear and enjoy most days...more like crashing thunder, streaking lightening which keeps the skies lit, and pounding rain...brisk gusts of wind which sends the rain cascading in sheets....what a sight...everyone around here, stops what they are doing and watches the free show! Most days it is mid day we get the rain...then followed with sunsets that take one's breath away...

As for the breeze whispering?? There is nothing more refreshing than smelling the air after a storm, catching a raindrop on the leaf of a flower or tree, birds twerping and spreading their is good, how much greater can it be than this???

Monday, April 20, 2009

The love of a Granddaughter!

The love of a granddaughter, can life get any better than this?? Here is an updated picture of my darling granddaughter...she's so adorable, and smart, and cute, and funny...and...and...and... Okay enough, she certainly has whispered into our hearts and had created quite a "breeze" in our lives!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Alas Spring is Whispering in my ear!

The whispers of Spring is in the we Breeze into our new season, we all have thoughts of days ahead where we can putter about our yards, sprucing them up some, adding new color and designs....our plans? Well too many to accomplish, but would love a new "flooring" in our courtyard so the area can be set up for more comfortable seating and plenty of room for outdoor company! I've planted a White Spruce Tree to honor what would have been my mom's 100th's a wee little thing at the moment, struggling along with our late spring freeze we had, but still feeling "lively". We've had enough cold now, and are so ready for spring and summer to be the breeze whispers in our ear...we are anticipating relaxing days ahead!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Baby is whispering more every day!

As the days pass by, not only is spring whispering into our lives...but our granddaughter is growing and wispering??, well more like cooing, laughing, and definately using her vocal cords. Her latest favorite sound is copying the sound of a tiger we saw at the zoo!! She's so adorable, so smart and very advanced for her little 6 months...she is so amazing to watch develope, she is very independant and wants to "learn on her terms"...always trying something new! What a joy...and she gently whispers into our lives every day! Here is a current picture of Grandma, Ma and da baby!

This was taken at a Victorian Tea House, where we enjoyed "high tea" with all the ladies in our neighborhood. Annually we visit the tea house for a "ladies day out"'s so nice to act like a lady from time to time! And so I have to say that life is grand, the breezes of spring are whispering into my ear...begging me to spend more time outside now...time to replenish the gardens about my home..and prepare for days ahead....HAPPY SPRING! HAPPY EASTER!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Winter" more than "Whispered" upon us!

I mentioned it might snow? Oh yes! It was beautiful!! We had a day of some "whispers" of snow...silently falling yet we also had snow billowing in upon us! It was quite a wonderful "show of nature"!! The "authorities" said it was the worst snow storm in Northern Arizona...I don't know about that...but it was wonderful if you could stay home and relish the show...such as we did!

I leave you with some pictures that "whisper" the spendor of a nice snow storm!

May you all have a wonderful "Valentine's Day" with a "Whisper of the Breeze" upon you and your loved ones!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Whispering Breeze of Spring!

Although it is still "winter" in Northern Arizona, with snow forecast for the weekend, I do have a hint of "spring" in my home! A very dear friend gave me this beautiful vase of tulip bulbs. As you can see in the first picture, there is only one open, yet within 3 days...all 14 of the bulbs have opened up!

I have never grown tulips, and have fallen in love with this flower! They have a beautiful fresh smell that makes me feel as if I've stepped outside in a spring morning and taken a "whiff" of the morning air! The whispers of springtime are so alive in my home with my tulips! I stop many times each day to take a 'mini' vacation into springtime....I hope I don't wear out the fragrance!

To my dear friend who blessed me with this gift, I am so grateful for our friendship, you mean a lot to me, Judy!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The "Breeze" is "Whispering" in my ear!

.... they say that if you write something down you are more likely to accomplish I am "challenging" that statement and see what happens!

I have had this "whispering" in my ear for a long time now, and realize that if I don't act on it, it will NEVER get I intend to take some baby steps forward each day and begin my journey!

My Journey?? Well I have many, but the ones that really nag at me are to get Identa-Guard up and running...I'm really making progress on that...the mechanics are done, it's the marketing that needs to be tackled biggest road block! My second most nagging desire is to write a book....I know anyone who might read this says..."ya right"....well it's always been a desire of mine to be able to say I'm an author, and to write. I've always collected book ideas in my little ole brain...and now it's time to get some of them on paper! So with each day, I'm going to spend time chipping away at these and see where the wind shall lead my on my journey! I do have a special helper, as I've mentioned before, her name is Sima...and finally I have a picture of her to share....

These little darlings are treasured gifts from my high school "best buddy"....the miracle worker! The large one is Sima, the smaller one is Kitty-Kat, who belongs to my granddaughter...Sima is there as my "inspirational helper" and she will bring me thru all challenges, she promised! The "breeze is whispering" in my ear to start my "journey" starts with the first step, and today that step will be taken! Oh and by the way, I've already contracted an "editor"...see I've only just begun!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The "whispers" of a new life

With each passing day, we see such amazing thing happening in this little girl's life. She is so cute! She loves to take "steps" when held under the arms, she gurgles and giggles, squeals and smiles, and fills us with joy as she is "discovering her new life"! Yesterday, we gave her a spoon to see what she would do with it...and sure enough, this little smarty put it right in her mouth, and had a puzzled look upon her face as to where the food was! At 4 months she is growing cuter every day and exploring so many new things! She is the breeze in my life that's for sure!

Monday, January 19, 2009

As the New Year Breezes in.....

And so we begin another I late in getting my blog started?? Of course, that is how things are these days...always a bit behind! And so I have taken a look back over my past year, wondering if I could have done more (like some people I know)... I do see that is has been a year of many "blustering ups and downs"...and like most's nice to forget the down times and relish the up times...and so that is where I thankful my husband is here with me to begin a New's always scary to hear the "C" word...and quite a breath of fresh air to have him "cured"...and our biggest up time, being blessed with our darling granddaughter!! In addition to that, it's so marvelous to see my daughter and son-in-law go thru every new stage of her life! They are wonderful loving, so kind, so "in love" with their little daughter!

As I look forward to the New Year, I have set goals...the "breezes are whispering" in my really try hard to promote my software, it's a good thing, and one that deserves to be out there helping that is one of my biggest goals of the new year...probably one of my hardest project too! I also hope I'm blessed with time to breath and begin writing....a life time goal...always in the back of my mind...and for sure my oldest desires! I do have a "pal" to keep me focused this year...her name is Sima, she is a siamese "cat" knitted by my dearest friend...Sima is my foundation, she is there to keep me focused on my dreams and desires....Marie..."thanks" is such a small word, and you know it!

And so now I will keep blowing in the wind, in hopes that I will reach my goals...and that our year will be one of peace...we surely need some, it's been a crazy 3 years...and we are much in need of a peaceful...calming where the breeze blows...and the winds are calm!