Monday, August 3, 2009

The Whispers of a Summer Morning

It's 5:30 in the morning....the sun is starting to make the puffy clouds turn a beautiful shade of the morning begins to unfold I am enjoying the "whipering breeze" and the tweet of the "early birds" checking out their feeders. The sun has not peaked into the back yard yet...the breeze is a cool 58 degrees...everything is still, yet starting to come alive for another summer day!

Today I did something I should do every day, I took the time to sit outside, smell the fresh air, listen to the stillness, the gurgle of our fountain, and the tweet of the birds beginning their day. There is no traffic noises, no dogs barking, no honking horns, just peace and quiet. I stopped to pull the never ending weeds, making our yard look clean again...and enjoyed watching the morning unfold. Eventually there are more birds awakening...and soon there are about 20 or more feeding, drinking and taking an early morning bath in the fountain...the sun is rising and the top of our far off mountains are coming alive, soon the sun has reached the back yard...the birds seek out the morning warmth and sunbathe.

Can life whisper more gently and peaceful? I reflect back on the month of July, we had an awesome monsoon storm which provided torrential rain, hail, lightening and 45 minutes our wash was overflowed with a rapid river of tumbleweeds, swishing past on their way to "the end" wherever that is! Our catch basin overflowed, the huge open field above us is now a small lake, and the wash has overflown it's banks...there is water running over the top of the bridge...(perhaps 4-5")...but OVER a bridge....the rain stops, the sun comes out, and within 3 hours...everything is back to normal...the wash is dry, the catch basin has receeded 20+ feet...amazing! We've had several other storms, not so violent..but very entertaining....we've had some breeze days...we've had some warm ones....all "breeze whispers of summertime in Northern Arizona"...

We also attended my 41st High School reunion, that was an experience, some of us have aged graciously, some not so well, some are still 'children refusing to grow up' and many reacquaintences have been refreshing...and "experience" and surely puts a ding in life's perspective....where have I been? where have I gone?, what have I accomplished in 40 years? and where do I want to head now??... and so lifes whispers on...the days creep by, seeminly slowly at times, yet in a whirlwind when I look back and wonder where time has gone....I need more days outside awaiting the start of a new day!

1 comment:

marie said...

I know one thing we accomplished: reconnecting and continuing our friendship. That's worth more than anything!