Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Autumn Breezes are Whispering to me!

Autumn is in the crisp evenings and mornings, nippy nights, but still pleasant enough to have an open window for the nighttime breeze soft as a feather's touch. Our days are nice and warm with a "hint" of autumn in every billow of breeze......AH AUTUMN! How welcome you are! Speaking of breezing along into is my little darling enjoying the "breeze blowing thru her hair" as she relaxes in her swing!

This picture was taken the day after her FIRST BIRTHDAY which was on September 19th!! Time to relax after a whirlwind day! What an exhilarating time we had! It was a perfect day, filled with friends and family, a bounty of great food, wonderful gifts for the "wee one".....many toys (which she needs...poor deprived babe!) tons of books (which she loves) and so many beautiful cozy winter clothes and sleepers....she played with her cake, not realizing she was supposed to eat it, but enjoyed the gushy on her hands....what fascination!

And so now as we breeze into autumn, I leave you with the wonderment of a peaceful country road does one not wonder what is around the bend?? HAPPY AUTUMN!!

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